Please check below if your question is printed here, if not then please see the contact page. If you contact me via email with a question posted here I will just reply with a link to this page…

Q: Could You Please Upload Dungeon Fighter 1994: Ultimate Edition Version 3.2664 Build 20356 For DOS?

A: No. That is the answer. No. I do not do requests. I will not go out and BUY a CD or locate a game for you, I’m happy for you to send me the game/software to share, so long as its ‘legal and legit’. I ran a video archive channel on YouTube once, in which I uploaded old children’s programmes, and was flooded with people’s requests… I’m sorry I do not have the time or money for that. So please do not email me questions above or send me Amazon/eBay marketplace links or similar.

Q: Your posts for Adobe Acrobat programs seem to have a lot of ‘broken-links’, could you fix this?

A: No, sadly Adobe have been rather unfair and told me that for some versions of Acrobat-Reader (some that are 10+ years old!) I cannot share the love. I’m not too akin to receiving fines, so I won’t be posting any more DL links for Adobe software; if the link is broken, contact me, and I’ll happily remove it.

Q: The information you’ve posted for <blah blah> software is incorrect…

A: Yes okay sometimes that happens, I’m human, I make mistakes. With software as old as what is being supplied here, some of the trivia may be off, or at times complete fiction – I didn’t intend to in any way post incorrect information. If you find anything that is incorrect, please comment below or email me – and inform me of what needs to be removed, changed or added – AND USE EVIDENCE. I will not add ‘won best software award in 1996’ if you can’t show me a website article, or a picture of where you found out that information.

Q: You’ve given me a virus! The software <blah blah> is infected please take it down!

A: Okay, well I’m very sorry it did so. But do not blame me as being solely responsible. Every post contains small print that states there is always a change the software could be dirty. IF you are certain it’s dirty please contact me so I can make it aware on the post that users should take extra precautions when using. But please do make sure it’s not a False-Positive! 🙂

Q: Please could you send me the setup file for <blah blah> software? or Please could you send me the file initsound.dll from the program directory?
A: No. I am not sending anyone anything in relation to ‘setup’ files or ‘program’ files via email. There are download links where available, use them. If they don’t work see the above question regarding that. This is not a repair shop.

Q: The <blah blah> software archive seems to be corrupt, could you re-upload it?
A: Currently, I am unable to re-upload any of the software here, as usually after upload it’s deleted (as i dont have the space for 1000’s of RAR’s). I can look to find the source CD for you, yes – but if it came from a demo disc, there is a good chance it might have been binned. Do not be disappointed if I can’t find it. I hope to change this problem by buying a large ext. HDD to hold all my archive files in my collection.

Q: I see you have the driver & utility disc for the <###> motherboard.. could you please send me the driver for the sound card?
A: No. Again I will not send you anything. And this is not (as of writing) a place where I share drivers. If you want to find it use this.

Q: Will there be any Macintosh or Linux software uploaded?
A: Macintosh is very very unlikely, as I haven’t got an old Mac to hand to test any software, nor do I have any software for Macs in my possession. For Linux, maybe in the future – for now this is just a Windows & DOS blog, sorry.

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